
Q. How do I purchase?

The best way to purchase pieces in the Permanent Collection is to purchase through our webshop. If a piece is backordered, you will be able to pre-order and will be notified as soon as the piece is ready to ship. You may also visit our stockist page so see if the piece you are looking for is available at one of our retail partners.

If you are interested in sculpture, please email the studio to receive the list of available works. Some works will be available directly though the studio, and others through showroom partners.

Q. How long after I place my order will it ship?

Please allow 2 weeks for your order to ship. We make pieces available based on completed pieces but also in-progress pieces, and we sometimes need up to two weeks to move your piece through the kilns.

Q. If I've placed a pre-order for a vessel in the Permanent Collection, when can I expect it to be ready to ship?

We will accept pre-orders on items we can create at the studio within a month even if we are currently out of stock. Please allow 4 weeks for your piece to be created and shipped to you.

Q. Why are only some pieces available for pre-order and others are sold out?

If we are back-ordered on some pieces, usually the larger and more complex forms to make, or putting all the pieces we are making at the studio aside for a commission or retailer, we will not be able to accept pre-orders once we sell out of the stock we have. We will refill it as soon as we are able to create more pieces for the website.

Q. Will I be charged VAT & Duty charges to receive my piece?

Yes, If you are purchasing from a country whose borders charge duty to imported merchandise, you will be requested to pay for this import fee by the postal service, which then pays your government.
To calculate the expected cost, use the link below and enter  691390 as the harmonized code for ceramic vases:


Q. Do you do 2nd and Sample Sales?

We do an annual 2nds Sale of pieces in the Permanent Collection of Vessels for early December but we always have 2nds in house that we cannot sell as 1sts due to glaze defects. Depending on the severity of the issue, pieces are usually sold at a 15%-50% discounted price, though most of the defects are closer to the 15% range. If you are interested in a 2nd outside of a publicly announced sale, please email studio@simonebodmerturner.com to inquire about a certain form.